There’s the world you think you know and understand. Then there’s the world behind that one, the one you don’t often get to see—the one that informs our world, shapes it, and drives it, from the smoldering frontlines of eastern Ukraine to the marbled halls of Washington, D.C. That’s the world of espionage; and that’s the world of the Brush Pass.
A weekly newsletter exploring the shadowy world of national security and intelligence, the Brush Pass will feature original analysis, reporting, historical excavation, and interviews with ex-spies and other national security experts. You’ll read about covert operations across the globe, become wise to the inner workings of secret bureaucracies, and hear incredible stories from CIA, NSA, FBI, and other intelligence officials.
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The Brush Pass is an initiative of Project Brazen, a journalism studio and production company based in London and Singapore. Subscribe to the Brush Pass now and receive the latest updates in your email inbox.